The Adventure of the Mummy's Eyeball
Mia hated the dance rehearsal. I mean, my lord. She performed all her moves hunched over, arms dangling like a gorilla, and half the time she literally had her tongue hanging out and her eyes half-closed. It was kind of embarrassing. She blamed it on being tired, but as soon as we got out of there she perked right up. I don't know if I should let her off the hook on this one or if I should make her go through with it, so that she knows when she commits to something she's going to have to follow through.
Anyway, today she told me some disturbing news about Reading Rainbow. Or -- maybe -- she has an active imagination. In any case, she told me that today her class watched a Reading Rainbow special on mummies.
"Mummies?" I said.
"Yeah, and then we dug a mummy hole in the playground and we actually found one!"
"My goodness. Was it gross?"
"No Daddy, it's just a mummy. But we found its eyeball, and that was pretty gross!"
"You found the mummy's eyeball?"
"Yeah, DJ found it!"
"Was he scared?"
"No, but I was. I said, DJ, put that eyeball down!"
"I hope he washed his hands."
"He didn't have to, because the eyeball was fragile."
"It was?"
Exasperated: "Yes Daddy, dead people are fragile! Duh!"
Here I started laughing. "They are, are they? How do you know this?"
"Reading Rainbow told me! Duh!"
I'm going to have to write a harsh letter to the folks at Reading Rainbow. Running specials about mummies and encouraging excavations is one thing, but teaching our children that dead people are fragile!? Come on. Those guys can take some serious punishment before they start to fall apart.
(I swear to God I don't let her watch my horror movies!)